How are port operations affected in Port of Trelleborg?
The work associated with vessel calls and services to our customers will continue as usual. Port of Trelleborg, with ferry connections to Germany, Poland and Lithuania, handles a large part of the Swedish export and import and on days like these due to Covid-19, it is incredibly important to keep the goods traffic going. As Scandinavia’s largest RoRo port, with 30 arrivals and departures every day, we do everything in our power to maintain the flow of goods in and out of the country together with our shipping line customers. Currently we see no slowdown in the goods traffic in the Port of Trelleborg and we are well prepared for larger volumes.
Responsibility for disease prevention
The Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) has the overall national responsibility for protecting Sweden’s inhabitants from communicable diseases. The Public Health Agency of Sweden works closely with the World Health Organization, WHO, who continuously assesses how the outbreak is developing.
Read more on the Public Health Agency of Sweden website (external link)
Port of Trelleborg is closely following the development and is in continuous contact with the relevant authorities and will update our information as needed. There are established procedures in place and there is collaboration between Port of Trelleborg and the relevant authorities and we are of course taking the necessary actions required by the authorities.
Do you have specific questions about your trip?
Then we ask you to contact the respective shipping line company.
TT-Line www.ttline.com
Unity Line www.unityline.se
Stena Line www.stenaline.se
Films in our social media channels
We will make some short films during the Corona pandemic about how the port is affected and how we deal with it. Please follow us there!