On April 9-10, Sweden’s core ports met at the Waterfront in Port of Trelleborg to collaborate and discuss important future plans. Of course, we also took the opportunity to take our port colleagues on a guided tour in Scandinavia’s largest RoRo port.
Port of Trelleborg, Ports of Stockholm Ports, Port of Gothenburg, Copenhagen Malmö Port and Port of Luleå are designated as core ports by the EU Commission. Thus, they are classified as some of the most important ports in Europe and play a central role in the development of the European transport corridors. More than half of all Swedish imports and exports go through Sweden’s core ports. How we manage to cooperate is of the utmost importance for the expansion and development of the transport and energy system, and the core ports thus need to be given support and priority at national level.
During 2023, the cooperation of the core ports has been intensified. Among other things, the core ports have met with the Minister of Infrastructure Andreas Carlson to highlight and discuss the collective importance of the core ports for Sweden’s competitiveness, national security and resilience, as well as shipping’s climate transition and the core ports’ role in this.
The five Swedish core ports have also been in Brussels for a meeting with EU parliamentarian Jörgen Warborn to raise the same issues.